Jan 28, 2018
If someone stole your wallet, you'd notice
it. So why don't people notice when they are robbed of something
much more valuable than their wallet - time? Join Dominica DeGrandis as she chats with host Colleen Johnson on how to make visible - and reduce - the churn
and burn that is creating a workforce constantly on
Jan 21, 2018
In his first book, Turn the
Ship Around! David Marquet described his experiences as
captain aboard the nuclear submarine USS Santa Fe. When he took
command, the ship was, how shall we say…
However, after one year, Santa Fe was recognized as the most improved ship in the fleet. In less than two...
Jan 14, 2018
Daniel Vacanti, one of the instrumental founders what we know of as the Kanban Method of software development, chats with hosts Colleen Johnson and Andy Cleff about agile metrics, Little's Law, the one metric that matters most, and the one that doesn't matter at all. (Spoiler Alert: It's Size)
Dan also offered our...
Jan 7, 2018
In this week's episode hosts Jay Hrcsko and James Gifford are joined by Johanna Rothman to discuss her newest book, Create Your Successful Agile Project! They discuss such topics as agile project managers, technical excellence, status reports, and middle managers in agile!
Johanna's book: http://amzn.to/2CLE1cp