Oct 31, 2021
Hosts Andy Cleff and Jenny
Tarwater, Enterprise Agile Coach at Agile Velocity, chat with
Esther Derby about the myth of the annual performance review. They
uncover how the ritual reinforces existing power structures and
diminishes safety for teams.
They then explore ways to help people to be more successful in their...
Oct 24, 2021
Join Host James Gifford as he talks with Discord members Todd Thrash, Mike Caddell, Stephen Kellogg, and Jonathan Schneider for Part 2 of our discussion around "passing the baton." The panel discusses more advanced topics for when you're passed the baton and things are not what you expected. They examine topics such...
Oct 17, 2021
In this weeks episode hosts Claudia Orozco-Gomez and Jay Hrcsko sit down with the comedic geniuses behind Comic Agile, Luxshan Ratnaravi and Mikkel Noe-Nygaard. We talk about where the idea to do agile comics came from, how they come up with ideas for their comics, the process of creating their book, and what...
Oct 4, 2021
At some point in everyone's agile journey they are passed the baton to shepherd a new team of people...where do you even start? Join us this week for part 1 of the conversation around "How do I get up and running?"; James Gifford is your host, with guests including Stephen Kellogg, Janel Lanza, Todd Thrash, Mike...