Aug 30, 2020
Staying sane during Covid? Kinda
It's been over 5 months of lockdown for all of us and dealing with situations we never ever considered we'd have to live thru.
In this episode, we chat about maintaining at least a facade of doing ok - as extroverts and introverts.
Self-care strategies to get through each and...
Aug 23, 2020
In this episode we chat with Bill
Joiner to explore the challenges of leadership in today’s
Bill is a sought-after international thought leader and author of Leadership Agility.
He focuses on the mind-sets and skill-sets that leaders need for a business environment that is buffeted by accelerating change...
Aug 16, 2020
Liberate the elephant in the room!
Host Andy Cleff chats with Jessica Katz, a trainer, mentor, and coach on a range of
leadership topics including
Aug 9, 2020
Why are people the way they are? How much of our behavior is nature? Or is it nurture? And why do we act certain ways in groups? Join Coalition members Frans Alkemade and Joel Stone as they discuss how the concepts portrayed in the book bump up against their experiences in agile transformations, software...
Aug 2, 2020
Listen in as @AgileAtelier Rahul
Bhattacharya chats with Colleen Johnson @scrumhive and Andy Cleff
@justsitthere on the topic of Product Discovery - a flexible period
during which you and your team focus on building the right thing as
opposed to building the thing right (Product Delivery)
Rahul Bhattacharya is...